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Jul 8, 2021
Congratulations to Willem
Well done to Willem for passing his MA oral defense! His thesis consisted of two behavioural studies examining the impact of focal medial...

Jun 30, 2021
Congratulations to Sath
Sath is now a PhD! His thesis entitled "Human Medial Temporal Lobe Contributions to a Temporal Representation of Sequences in Memory"...

Jan 12, 2021
New in Cerebral Cortex
Much work on approach-avoidance conflict has used experimental paradigms that involve spatial/contextual information. Here, using fMRI...

Dec 4, 2020
Congratulations to Denada
Denada has successfully defended her MA thesis - congratulations! Her Master's research examined the role of the rodent entorhinal cortex...

Dec 19, 2019
New in Neuropsychologia
In this review article we survey the rodent and primate literature to further understand the involvement of the hippocampus in memory for...

Dec 4, 2019
New in Memory
How does experiencing approach-avoidance conflict impact our memories? We conducted two behavioural studies to examine whether high...

Nov 21, 2019
New in Hippocampus
Research study examining the role of the dentate gyrus in approach-avoidance conflict processing and spatial pattern separation. We find...

Sep 17, 2019
New in Cortex
Research study using fMRI and representational similarity analysis to examine the impact of interference on the representation of visual...

Sep 6, 2019
Sonja Awarded Certificate of Excellence
Sonja has been awarded the Canadian Psychological Association Certificate of Excellence for her Master’s thesis, which she successfully...

Aug 12, 2019
New in HBM
Research article on the use of EEG, decoding and image reconstruction to provide insight into the representation of words presented...
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